What is Coffee Shop Millionaire About

What is Coffee Shop Millionaire About

What is Coffee Shop Millionaire About?

From the outside looking in, Coffee Shop Millionaire seems like an attractive business if you are looking for a way to make money quickly online through internet marketing. But what is Coffee Shop Millionaire about, and is it worth the risk in the long run?

This online based Internet Marketing company has been around for several years now and is owned by Anthony Trister. The concept behind the website is that anyone, experienced or not, can make several thousands of dollars every month by just following a few simple rules and tricks that Trister outlines.

How it Works

The basic premise of the company is to teach students how internet marketing works through training videos and focuses on marketing for local businesses. Basically students would be learning how to drive more traffic to local businesses websites by blogging and then sell that service to other local businesses.

Once you have gotten good at blogging and selling the service to business, you can then outsource the work in order to bring in even more clients. In a way, it is kind of structured like a pyramid scheme company, the only difference being instead of bringing in other team members you are bringing in more business that you are selling this product to. So your income isn’t based on how many people you bring in under you, it is based on how many businesses you are able to sell your services to.

Upon visiting the site, first time consumers watch a nearly 9 minute long video that tells them that they can make money simply by having a computer and a little bit of time. This is where the company starts to lure in the prospective buyer and states that it only costs $37 upfront to start earning money. What they don’t tell you is that if you want to at least have a chance of being successful with this program, you need to spend extra money in order to have all the tools you will need to make the business worth it.

Additional Costs

The first additional charge they will try to get is called the “Six Figure Success Club.” This fee is approximately $300, but it is not mandatory. The only catch of not purchasing this upgrade? You more than likely will not have all of the tools you need to make the business you are setting up as successful as the business talked about in the introduction video.

The next additional charge is buying a domain name and hosting site. Without this vital part of the equation, all of the training and advice you have received at this point is basically useless. You can’t have an online business if you do not have a website with the proper tools you need. So why not go all in, you are already $350 deep into the program already. A few more dollars can’t hurt.

Once you are all set up, you now have access to more training tools. These tools include: 12 additional training videos, and a forum. There are some training on video marketing, article marketing, and email marketing, but not enough to make the job as easy as promised in the opening video.

There seem to be gaps in the logic of how to run the business. If you like puzzles, it should be fun filling in the missing blanks. Additional research into the industry will be a major help when it comes to continually learning how to make your online business a success.

Don’t get me wrong, there are very valid training points that come from this company that may help you make a couple extra hundred dollars, but that still leaves a lot to be desired. Despite what the introduction video leads students to believe, this is not a hands off project. A lot of work will need to be put forth in order to make any money materialize from the training received. Don’t just expect to put in an hour or two a day and be a millionaire overnight.

Another minor downside to the company is that they do not really have a strong online community, so if you are wanting to be able to talk to fellow students on the site and get a little more information or support from others, you may be let down. There are some support methods available to get help, but be warned.

After reviewing Coffee Shop Millionaires Facebook page, there seem to be several complaints, questions and concerns expressed there that have not been answered. Don’t let that dishearten you though, there is an email address and phone number provided for you to call for support, assuming they don’t treat those life lines as they do their Facebook support.


While you might not exactly become a millionaire using this product as the title may suggest, you can potentially earn a decent amount of money. While the upfront cost of $37 dollars seems reasonable, the overall investment and time required to make a few extra bucks doesn’t seem worth all of the up-charges.

The fact that the company is not upfront with potential clients about how much money it is really going to cost vs. how much they will actually make on this site makes seem slightly off-putting. But, if you are wanting to make a (potential) income to help with bills, or to go on a nice vacation with and you have some money to burn then Coffee Shop Millionaire may be worth gamble.

Halal Income

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