What is Affilorama About and How Does it Work?

What is Affilorama About and How Does it Work?

What is Affilorama About and How Does it Work?

Affilorama is a program dedicated to affiliate training. The company was started by Mark Ling in 2005. After the success that Ling has had as a merchant online, he set out to create a platform to train affiliates within his respective niche. But exactly what is Affilorama about and how does it work?

There are multiple membership levels for the program. The levels range from basic entry level to advanced. Unlike other programs that do not evolve with the times, Affilorama does a decent job of keeping up with industry trends.

The marketing program does not require its members to sell products. Instead, it teaches you how to make money online through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an arrangement between a retailer and an individual to pay a commission for sales that the individual generates. Affiliate marketers can market the products however they deem fit. Most market the products online.

How Much Does It Cost To Join?

Joining Affilorama can be complicated. There are lots of product offerings and upsell items to choose from. There are two main packages. Upon joining, individuals can give the site a trial run for thirty days. During the trial period, the cost is $1. The other two packages are available for $67 per month, or $497 for three years.

The $67 per month membership is a premium option. This is the core offering provided by the site. With this package, users are given access to software, training, the forum, and limited hosting. Users will also receive thirty new pieces of private labelled content per month. Even though is a great perk, the content is somewhat outdated and does not serve any real purpose.

With the premium membership, users are given access to fifteen tools to use on their sites. Some of the tools are useful, while others are loaded with meaningless data. Aside from the products and tools that are given with the premium membership, there are several upsell offerings promoted by Affilorama.

AffiloBlueprint 3.0 Membership

The 3.0 membership is an upsell option. Users will pay $197 upfront, and then be charged $67 per month to keep the account active. The package includes 85 videos covering affiliate marketing topics, 13 lessons, six WordPress themes, and paid and free traffic methods (SEO and PPC).

AffiloJetpack Membership

The Jetpack membership is the second upsell option. Members will pay an upfront fee of $497. The package focuses on niche marketing. It was created by Mark Ling, to help promote his products and services. The package has a lot of useful information for novice and advanced marketers alike. With this upsell option, members are given access to:

• Five niche packages

• 15 email newsletters, one letter per niche

• 3 e-books

• Graphics for each niche

• Access to the Affilotheme

• Twenty PLR articles

This upsell option is designed to teach aspiring marketers how to become an affiliate for one of Lings companies. Many believe that Ling has a secret motive by offering this prime upsell option. The products that are offered for this upsell are optimum; the price on the other hand, is a little high.


The final upsell item that Affilorama offers is Affilotheme. Affilotheme will require a one-time investment of $97. The product is a WordPress theme that comes with training to show users how to properly use it. Members will receive one year of free hosting for their site. After the year has ended, members will need to purchase a premium membership, if they do not already have one, to continue their hosting. With this package, members will receive:

• Affilotheme WordPress theme

• Training videos on using the theme

• Graphics Creator tool

• Private member’s forum

• 1 year of hosting

The premium package for the site is the initial component of the offerings rendered by the company. If you purchase all the upsell items that are available, it would require an upfront payment of $791 plus a monthly commitment of $67. Consider this before signing up for the training.

What Does Affilorama Offer?

The Affilorama program is designed to teach aspiring marketers how to promote other people’s products and make money. With a membership, members are given access to training videos and tools that teach them how to become a successful affiliate marketer. Affilorama prides itself in being one of the largest affiliate marketing training communities on the internet.

It promises members that it can teach anyone from a novice marketer to an advanced marketer how to make money online. They preach that with their expert training, they can help members discover the freedoms of earning money online. With their help, they state, they can help anyone quit their day job and work from home.

The program does require you to work. It is not a get rich quick scheme; it teaches you how to use their products to become your own boss. You will have to take the time to go through their training series, and then implement what is being taught. You will be building websites, creating back links, and possibly composing your content.

It takes patience to build a successful business online. Affiliate marketing not only requires you to have a website and knowledge of the products being sold, it also requires time. Search engines control the internet. It can take time for these search engines to acknowledge a new website has been created. If they are unable to index the site in an appropriate amount of time, it can take a while to start receiving traffic to a website you have built.

The program does not promise anything outlandish. Instead, Affilorama clearing states that by using their tools and training they can help you make money as an affiliate. They do state that their training must be followed step by step to reap any benefits from the program. Although, there are no marketing skills required to join the program, it does help to have some basic knowledge of SEO and SEM practices.

Your job is going to entail selling the products of other retailers for a commission of the sale price. To do this, you must drive traffic to the retailers store through some form of outside source. While it is possible to market products face-to-face, affiliate marketers are more successful when they stick to online advertisement.

You will need a website to advertise the retailer’s products and draw people to the site through your referral. The program will provide you with the site, and teach you how to properly use it to get targeted traffic, or buyers, to the site you are advertising for.

Who Is The Company Suited For?

Affilorama is suitable for anyone that is interested in earning money from home as an affiliate marketer. The program takes its members through every aspect of the market, so no marketing skills are required. It does help to know something about how internet selling works, and the basic principles of advertising online.

There are no products to sell with the company; it’s more like a training platform then a business opportunity. The program gives you the tools to become a business owner. It teaches you how to work for a commission by selling other entities products. Anyone that knows how to use a computer, and has basic knowledge of the internet, can join this program.

Concluding Thoughts

Affilorama appears to be a legitimate site. It offers a solid product, and does not give false hope. The program focuses on stating its intentions. The promise that it makes of helping people make money from home is a valid statement. However, it does not provide members with realistic time perspectives.

The site boasts that it can help members make big money online by selling the products of other people. They are enthusiastic about the opportunity that they offer their members. They provide training to teach their members how to make money online. Affilorama promises members that they will start receiving this money quickly after employing their tactics.

The truth is, gaining recognition online can be difficult. Affilorama will take you through the steps to follow to become successful, but properly employing those steps is up to you. Also, it is important to consider the amount of time it is going to take you to go through all the training videos and implement the tactics discussed.

Realistically, the time frame that you should start receiving money cannot be guaranteed. What is guaranteed is that you will learn the proper techniques to employ to begin a career in affiliate marketing. They will provide tools that can be employed to make the career transition easy, and help you grow your business once it starts to flourish.

The tools that are offered are prime tools and the training if followed correctly will help you create an online business. The only problem with the Affilorama program is the price. While there is a free option that gives you access to limited information, the top packages can become financially burdening.

Not to forget the various upsell options that are available also. The program is designed for people that are serious about beginning an affiliate marketing career. In some respects, the costs seem to be set to reflect a person’s ability to go all in with this opportunity. Ultimately, the decision to opt for a paid version of the program is based off your desire to want to learn more or not.

Halal Income

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