Halal Online Income Review – Adam Munir

HalalOnlineIncome.com Review – Adam Munir

So here’s a course that’s been doing the online rounds for a few years now which some of you might have already checked out. It actually comes via two different websites which are Halal Online Income and Marketception Academy. Both owned by Adam Munir and linking to the same product.

This is a course based around social media marketing and claims to teach you everything you need to know to get you up and running and earning over £10k a month in less than six weeks with no experience.

So what do you get for your money?

Initially you are offered a free video showing you a general overview of social media marketing and how you too can do this and make money. The free video covers four points:

1/ How to get your first client TODAY: This point basically tells you to offer your services via Facebook and other social media platforms and work for one week completely free. The idea being you will land a client, get them some customers and then charge them if they want to continue using your services.

Now offering your services for free is not a bad idea when starting out but to claim you can do it on #Day 1 is ridiculous. Unless you already know what you are doing (which you won’t do hence why you are there in the first place) this will achieve nothing and actually cause more damage to long term goal you may have. Not to mention potentially become a target of jokes amongst your social media friends and followers.

2/ Make £100k+ a year from social media: Once you do know how Social Media Marketing works Adam states you can charge clients £1000pm for running their Facebook (and other platform) advertising campaigns. This sounds great in theory but is someone really going to fork out £1k to someone who has no prior experience and no social proof?

Yes you can charge this amount but it may be 6-12 months down the line when you have established yourself. The starting journey will involve small returns and lots of trial and error. Social Media Marketing is an ever-evolving platform that takes time to master.

3/ Get the results for your clients: Basically you place adverts on social media platforms for your clients to generate leads or customers and charge them a monthly fee. The most important part that Adam misses out here is that it costs money to place and run any social media adverts – usually hundreds of pounds at a time.

4/ How to make £100k without doing any work: Get someone else to do it. Adam mentions that you simply outsource the work to cheaper countries like India and Pakistan. This can (and does work) but you need to become established yourself before you can do this. And there is still a lot of work involved as you are the one managing the front end.

What happens after the free video?

At the end of the video you are offered to sign up for the six week training program which will then cover the above points in more detail. Credit where credit is due the course does provide a lot of information for beginners so is useful if:

  • You have spare money to spend
  • You don’t have time to find this information yourself online

What we didn’t approve of was the fact that there is a ‘Limited’ offer available at the end of the video where you can purchase this course for just £550. This was annoying because you can go to the website at any time and it is still £550 so why the need to lie?

Actually that’s a rhetorical question because we know why he lies about it. It is a common online sales tactic to pretend an offer is ‘Limited; to increase sign-up rates. Not something we  believe in or agree with and definitely not ethical as he claims to be.

That’s not the most concerning thing though…

Adam Munir claims to provide a 90 day Money Back Guarantee which sounds amazing. Except there is no link anywhere on the page to the terms and conditions of this guarantee. With a bit of research we found the terms of this and they are absolutely shocking:

90 Day Guarantee details found on the Marketception page:

14.3 Regarding the money back guarantee stated on halalonlineincome.com. There is a vigorous testing process before you can apply for a money back refund. The money back guarantee ONLY applies if you have not been able to sign a client at all, whether paid or on a free trial.

The money back refund only applies If you have shown proof of at least 100 cold call outreaches every week for 60 days. This must be shown on a spreadsheet, You must also give sufficient proof that you have researched each potential business client, as shown on the Six Week Agency course. The document must include contact details of each business you contacted and what their response was.

You may be asked to provide bank statements to prove the above. On the first instance, we will help you to get a client that will pay you £50 a week minimum. Only in the event that we fail to do this 14 days after you apply for a refund, will we go ahead with the money back clause. We reserve the right to decline your refund request if you cannot show evidence showcasing this.

This is probably the most ridiculous money back guarantee terms we have ever seen. It basically states ‘You are not getting your money back’. This point alone should be a big warning to anyone thinking of investing their money into this course.

It is intentionally creating a huge barrier to any refund requests they may receive. If you are that confident in your product then why the need for this?

What about the actual paid for course?

If you do decide to sign up you will be provided access to their member portal which hosts all the training. As mentioned above the training is quite useful if you are a beginner but most of this can be found online for free.

Also this course is somewhat dated now as things have moved on. Facebook for example have made many changes to their advertising algorithm which means most adverts are not shown to a wide enough audience to make it worthwhile doing unless you are prepared to spend more.

This had caused many advertisers to either cut back or leave altogether but hopefully Facebook will re-look at this and make some changes.

Also newer platforms like TikTok have now come about but these are not included in the course so a huge opportunity missed here. For certain products TikTok is the ‘Must Use’ platform so should be included in all campaigns.


A lot of money for not enough information but more worryingly the Money Back Guarantee option is not really an option. Based on this we would say avoid this one.

Halal Income

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2 thoughts on “Halal Online Income Review – Adam Munir”

  1. Thanks for this review.

    I’ve also bought a course with a money back guarantee that turned out to have many conditions I only came to know after buying it.

    Very important point to raise.

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