PlanNet Marketing Intele Travel – Home Travel Business Review

PlanNet Marketing Intele Travel – Home Travel Business Review

Something that you will probably begin to hear a lot of this year is the PlanNet Marketing Intele Travel Home Travel Business Opportunity. These are actually two different companies offering two opportunities that work together. It sounds interesting initially but here are the details.

I had an invite recently to attend a seminar which revolved around me setting up my own Home Travel Business. I could work my own hours and would have a website set up for me which had some super holiday deals on it. The idea being I would refer people to these holidays and receive a healthy commission for doing so. It sounded idea so I went along.

It wasn’t long into it when I realised that this opportunity was nothing like the one I was expecting. They spent about ten minutes mentioning the website opportunity and then proceeded to ‘sell’ the second opportunity. Which in a nutshell was getting other people on board and receiving even bigger commissions for doing so.

Here’s how the two opportunities work:

The Travel Website

Essentially, PlanNet Marketing offers their affiliates a form of custom website for booking different travel packages from. Each time a trip is booked through this site commission is received. The whole website side of things is setup and managed by Intele Travel.

The problem is the actual website you are given is very poor with limited holidays on it. It is pretty awkward to work your way around it and takes a bit of digging to actually find the holiday you are looking for. It is basically a sub site of Intele Travel’s main site and has your affiliate link attached to it. So every affiliate has exactly the same site with the same layout and only a different name at the top.

They were also a bit vague about any earning potential from these websites and when I asked one of the presenters directly how much she was making from her website she couldn’t tell me. The only answers I received were “Well it varies…” and “It all depends…”

This was a shame as I believe someone setting up a genuine Travel Agent Home Opportunity could really be on to something and would gain a lot of real interest.

PlanNet Marketing prefer to call their affiliates ‘Agents’ and they state that their agents are able to book travel destinations for their clients on their own basis, and that they can essentially work as often or as little as they’d like to.

However, in order to sign up as an agent for PlanNet Marketing, you’ll be required to invest an initial payment of $199. Following this payment, agents will be required to pay a monthly membership fee of $39.95.

Now we were told you could have your Travel website business and just work on that or you could also join the second part of their business where the real money is made!

PlanNet Marketing Affiliate Program

When it comes to making serious money with PlanNet Marketing, affiliates are required to recruit new individuals to join the Travel Business Opportunity, as well as maintain an active line of what PlanNet Marketing calls ‘Intele Travel Affiliates’

So in simple terms you sign up to become an Intele Travel Agent and whoever signed you up receives a commission for doing so. You can then try and sell holidays from your website but will soon realise that this is a pretty poor setup and you are getting nowhere. Bear in mind for each month you are paying for this privilege the person that referred you also getting paid and the one above them too.

You can either quit or you can pay a bit more and become an Intele Travel Affiliate yourself. This means you can now also refer others to the program and get paid for doing so. And to get you to do this PlanNet Marketing and Intele Travel offer some pretty mouthwatering commissions.

They use a pretty confusing sounding matrix system which I won’t go into but in short you get paid commissions several people down the line. A pretty common setup in Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid schemes. To keep you motivated they offer a series of bonuses.

Gold Builder Bonus

One of the multiple bonuses that PlanNet Marketing pays out goes by the name of the Gold Builder Bonus.

This bonus is paid out through a common Unilevel system, and affiliates can qualify for a spot in the Gold Builder Bonus by signing up as an Intele Travel Agent, and then recruiting 9 other people to do the same thing.

Once an affiliate is qualified to take part in this bonus, they’ll be able to earn an extra commission of $10 each and every time that someone in their Unilevel team is able to sell a membership for the Intele Travel Agent program.

Director Bonus

The second bonus that’s offered is called the Director Bonus. In this case, the bonus is paid out as affiliates in PlanNet Marketing recruit and maintain so many affiliates who sign up as Intele Travel Agents.

The amount of this bonus is directly tied to the amount of affiliates that you recruit, so the more affiliates you rack up, the more of a bonus you stand to make.

Rank Achievement Bonus

Of all the bonuses that are offered, the Rank Achievement one is perhaps the most interesting.

Once affiliates for PlanNet Marketing earn a certain dollar amount each month, they’ll be awarded with a reward.

For example, earning $8333 each month will allow you to snatch up a Sapphire ring. However, if you get that commission all the way up to $41,667/month, you’ll be eligible to receive a Diamond ring.

In order to join the basic affiliate program that is offered by PlanNet Marketing, you’ll be required to shell out a monthly fee of $19.95.

So Is PlanNet Marketing A Scam?

Well it may not be a scam as such because you are initially being offered a Travel Business Opportunity albeit a pretty poor one. However the reality is that the travel website is more of a ‘front’ to get you onboard and then take you down the Affiliate route to recruit further members.

That is when this becomes nothing more than another Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) scheme. The whole emphasis is on recruiting others into the scheme rather than actually selling any holidays.

The end result of this whole process is that everyone is trying to recruit everyone else without any real product at the heart of it.

I would advise staying well away from this one. There are far better ways to earn an income online.

Halal Income

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5 thoughts on “PlanNet Marketing Intele Travel – Home Travel Business Review”

  1. This is not a fair summary of PlanNet marketing. It is not just a business opportunity. It’s a vehicle that can assist with what ever personal goals you have for you and your family. The real scam is thinking you will be able to retire off of the one job that most people have. Yes, you can retire but your quality of life will be lacking if you are living of one form of income. IJS.

  2. pyramid scheme ???????????
    In that case if it is one, how can you explain the fact that you can go above the person that sponsored you?
    Mentioning pyramid scheme you must be talking about traditional 9-5 or I would say simply the World we live in is a pyramid scheme.

    That would great if you could avoid talking about something you don’t even do. You are doing exactly like the brainwashing media… Mislead people with wrong informations.

  3. 26k people in 20 different countries have partnered with a this rock solid 25 YEAR OLD, A+ Rated, REAL TRAVEL COMPANY.
    I’ve thoroughly investigated both comapnies. The review above is biased, opinionated and not factual. Do yourself a favor and investigate for yourself. This review is nothing more than an attempt to redirect people who are looking for real opportunity.

    1. Appreciate your feedback Jay but which part of the article do you actually disagree with?

      1/ The travel website being offered is an extremely poor example of how a website should look and run. You may post a link to your own ‘Travel’ site so readers may form their own opinion.

      2/ Are you disagreeing that real money is only earned by recruiting others and them in turn recruiting others?

      3/ I have not called it a scam and as such I would also urge readers to carry out their own research on this and any other online opportunity they are considering.

    2. Now you just making up stuff!
      This company is definitely not 25 years old. Hasn’t even made it to a complete 5 years yet. Also it’s not rated A+ on the BBB site. It has an A (by default)

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