Halal Income Journey

Time to Start Earning a Halal Income


Assalam to everyone who has made it with me so far. This is now the final step to turning your financial fortune around and starting your Halal Income Journey, something that not only will you enjoy doing but something that also has endless development potential for your future.

Before I go into the details let me just clarify two points:

Point One- I worked for a long, long time in sales and one thing I found was that whenever I went into a product sales spiel the customer would always jump in early and ask ‘How much is it?’

Halal Income Journey

Now we were always trained to side-step this question and only come to the price right at the end. The reason being we needed to sell all the benefits of the product first to the point where, hopefully, the price would become less important than the actual desire to have that particular product.

For the first time I am now going to do this the other way round. At this moment in time the price of this training is zero. That’s right; you read it correctly, zero, zilch, nil, nothing, nought and whichever other variation of zero you wish to call it.

The reason I like this is simple. I don’t want anyone to feel that they are about to be ripped off, conned or cheated. You can register your details and take a look at your leisure – No pressure and no time limits.

Okay that’s the question of price out the way.

Point Two – Now this is going sound a little blunt but I would rather be this way at this stage and avoid any misunderstanding later. If any of you are looking for a ‘get rich quick scheme’ or a ‘make money with no effort’ idea then I’m afraid this is not for you. It will be easier all round if we part ways now.

If you are looking for a way to make it big by doing nothing there are plenty of sharks out there who will gladly take your money and leave you with empty promises. They may not have a conscious but I do.

In fact the above is one of the very reasons myself, along with The Halal Foundation, have been looking at ways of setting up a small business from home, working in your own time, around your current job and which do not contradict any of our own morals and beliefs.

This hasn’t been easy…..!

As some of you may well know there are countless online marketers offering their services and promising to make you a millionaire within twelve months. Some of these are good and some downright scams. Some will cost you a fortune and provide very little in return while others will offer a formula so complicated that even Einstein would struggle to figure it out.

It’s all well and good offering you a thirty day Money Back Guarantee but what if you don’t want to fork anything out in the first place?

And who’s to say you will definitely get your money back anyway?

To this end we have spent the last fourteen months researching various opportunities that are constantly being pushed on the internet. Fourteen months and several hundred spent we have found one such program that actually does what it promises to do.

Join For FREE Now

Are You Looking to Become a “Success”?

If your answer is yes, you have come to the right place. If you have been searching for a real opportunity where you will earn, and one in which you are going to get an education, the tools and services you need, along with an unlimited amount of support, then you have also come to the right place.

Before I continue, I want to quickly explain to you what this program is, what is taught here, and why it is everything that you need. Basically I am going to break down the 4 components of what this community is about…the 4 components that you need to understand and participate in to create ANY level of success online, whether it is $10/day or $1000/day.

Learn. Network. Build. Succeed.

We Want to Invite You to LEARN!

Within this group, you will learn everything you need to know to create a business online, from the beginning fundamentals, to some of the most advanced techniques that experts use to scale their businesses into EMPIRES.

Halal Income Journey

  • Setting Up a Website From Scratch
  • Mastering the Social Marketing Business
  • Local Marketing Success
  • Finding a Product or Service to Sell
  • Turning a Passive Income into a Full Time Income
  • Image Development/Manipulation
  • Pinterest Marketing
  • Becoming a Power Twitter User
  • Posting a Daily/Weekly Blog
  • Facebook Marketing
  • Google Plus/Local/Places
  • WordPress Business
  • HTML and Web Programming
  • Understanding Affiliate Marketing
  • Finding Hot & Profitable Affiliate Programs
  • Powerful and Quality Content Creation
  • Taking the “techie” out of Web hosting
  • Linking Techniques
  • Article Marketing 101
  • Content Development / Copywriting
  • Outsourcing to Scale Business
  • Freelancing Your Services for Money

….AND MUCH MUCH MUCH more. In fact, there are 10,000’s of pages of training, discussions and walkthroughs within the program. Videos, Live Webinars, Tutorials and Courses. When you join you gain instant access to all of this training along with a “Getting Started” course that will walk you through all of the ins and outs.

You are one click away from a Starter Membership (no cost and no time limit) to the ULTIMATE Internet Marketing training experience. One that is unparalleled anywhere online.

We Want to Invite You to NETWORK!

Want to brush shoulders with the Internet’s “elite” marketers? Want to hang out directly with the owners of the community? Want to have instant access to 10,000’s of aspiring and successful people!

Halal Income Journey

There are experts on just about every topic you can imagine within this community and you can get help in “real time” through the LIVE chat 24/7. Also, you can ask questions within any of the training, blog activity, or you could even create your own discussion if you need help on something. Rubbing shoulders with highly successful, expert Internet entrepreneurs is just part of the day to day excitement here…and getting coaching from them is just as common!

Build and create long term relationships with fellow Internet Marketers/Entrepreneurs and build your brand, credibility and following within the industry!

  • Build long lasting relationships in the Internet business
  • Communicate about any “topic” related to Internet business
  • Get interactive help directly within the training modules
  • Network with people during “live” webinar events
  • Brush shoulders with the “ultra successful” and top marketers in the world
  • Ask questions and get answers from experts
  • Find mentors in different facets of the Internet business world
  • Get instant notifications when your network grows
  • Get 1 on 1 help directly from the owners

You are one click away from the ULTIMATE networking experience.

We Want to Invite You to BUILD!

Building is instrumental. Once you start building content, websites, knowledge and relationships you are “golden”. Building means “taking action” and this training platform is conducive of taking action.

Halal Income Journey

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From Day 1 you are going to be given tasks that will lead to you creating valuable Internet “assets”. Building is key to success within any business and you will have all the tools, services, and education you would need to BUILD online assets.

  • State of the Art Website Builder builds Websites in 30 seconds (2 free sites included)
  • Cloud Hosting Included with Unlimited Bandwidth and Space
  • Use our Exclusive keyword tool to research keywords and niches
  • Content using our Rapid Writer Article Writing Tool
  • Build partnerships and relationships that will last a lifetime!

You are one click away from the ULTIMATE building experience.

We Want to Invite You to SUCCEED!

Last, but definitely not least…

Halal Income Journey

You are a community away from achieving unimaginable amounts of success. Over the years we have created some of the greatest success stories out of any community online, including many “million dollar Internet businesses”…and have helped many people leave their day jobs and become full time marketers.

You are going to receive all the help you need to succeed and help you do so in many different ways….

  • Share to Earn. Exclusive access to our “revolutionary” paid share system.
  • Build profitable and valuable websites (as many as you like)
  • Find keywords that are untapped, valuable, and within some of the most lucrative niches
  • Create valuable domain assets and sell your websites for a profit
  • Succeed with your newly acquired knowledge. Businesses will pay you a lot of money for your Internet business knowledge!
  • Claim your stake in the $400 BILLION dollar Internet economy.

You are one click away from the ULTIMATE success experience of your life! No cost to get rolling!

Frankly, many people do not quite understand what it takes to become successful online. They are lured into the thousands of scams out there.

I can assure you that when you become a member with us, you will feel like you are part of the most helpful, inspiring, current, and powerful community online. It is “the place” to be for Internet entrepreneurs from all walks of life, from all corners of the world, and from every type of background.

We know what we offer is awesome, so we want you to have a FREE Starter Membership so you can start building your way towards success right NOW!


Wealthy Affiliate is FREE to try. No catches. ZERO dollars, full access to the community, the training, the support, and the only real opportunity to build an online income.

Educate yourself. Network. Build campaigns. Succeed!!!

Welcome to Our Community

To test this program thoroughly there was no point in myself trialing it as I already know how the internet, websites and online marketing works so we needed someone with little or no knowledge of these things.

So we recruited a couple of volunteers – they actually are a couple – who were ready to go into this on their own without any help just as any new starter would.

I will provide the finer details later but to summarise, with no prior technical knowledge other than being able to search on Google and send emails, they achieved the following:

  • A website up and running within five weeks
  • An income being generated by month four – this was minimal though, less than $100 per month
  • Month seven onwards they started generating a substantial income – Averaging $600 per month
  • Month twelve they decided to set up another website based on a product they developed themselves – This is looking to earn them somewhere in the region of $2000 to $5000 per month when up and running

The figures above are in dollars as that is how they had set it up but the currency is irrelevant as it can just as easily be calculated using Sterling, Euros or any other currency.

The couple in question are no longer working with me as they have moved on and have one or two plans of their own now based on what they have learnt which is an ideal scenario to have.

You may ask ‘What do you mean working with you? I thought you mentioned a community?’

Halal Income Journey

Well as great as the whole team and community is you all also have the added bonus of me being around too. The reason I have done this is that you always have a familiar face you can turn to when you get to a sticking point or don’t want to ask any other member.

An added bonus is that I also have the experience to show you alternative ways of getting to the same destination. What doesn’t make sense in one explanation can make sense when explained slightly differently. You will see what I mean once you are up and running.

So What Does This Involve & How Does it Work?

Let me start by telling you what this program is not. It is not a Multi Level Marketing (MLM) scheme, it is not a stock brokering scheme and it certainly isn’t a gambling or betting scheme.

What we are looking at here is no secret and has been around since 2005. I first looked at this briefly in 2009 and wished I had shown more interest back then. I guess the time wasn’t right for me at that stage as I had too much going on around me. I had to learn the hard and expensive way.

What this training does is help turn your passion, interests, hobbies or just plain ideas into an income. Trust me it’s nowhere near as complicated as you may think.

Halal Income Journey

Join For FREE Now

How this works in practice:

  1. Choose an interest: This is the starting point. While it can be anything you want, if you pick a topic that you have a personal interest in or know a fair bit about this makes it easier.
  1. Make a website: With the training provided, you don’t need any experience in making websites. You will have two free websites which are yours to do with as you please. The sites are pre-built and coded so you don’t need to worry about anything. The only bit you need to do is choose an appropriate name for the website and how you want it to look. The process takes less than 30 seconds (I’ve timed it).

Note:  The free mode will allow you to use the training  and apply it to the free websites you’re given.

  1. Get visitors: In order to make money online, your website needs to get traffic (visitors). The more visitors you have, the more money you can make. Through the training, you will learn how to get visitors to your website and keep them interested in the subject you chose.
  2. Make money: You’ll promote other peoples products on your site and when visitors come and buy, you earn money (commission). The beauty of this is that once you are up and running you can even sell your own products or service.

You can literally turn just about any subject (these are referred to as niche’s) into a website and subsequently a source of income. Don’t just think about the obvious ones either. Take a look at the list below to give you some ideas:

Halal Income Journey

So What Do Members Actually Get?

Membership Overview 

As a Free Starter Member you will have access to three of the 13 classrooms along with all the basic training and tools needed to start taking action. The premium membership provides everything to start your online business and gives you access to use the advanced training courses and exclusive tools.

The Free Starter Membership includes: 

Two Free Websites along with free hosting

Phase #1 of the boot camp training course that teaches you how to build a website and get it up and running

Instant access to over 500 training modules

Access to 3 of the classrooms

For the first 7 days, you will have live support from the owners and other experts in the community.

30 keyword searches a month.

The Premium Membership includes:

• Personal support from the owners and myself along with access to 1-on-1 mentoring and support from experts within the community.

• Four hours live video training classes that go along with full questions and answers every week that covers tactics and techniques that will help you to develop a successful online business. You will also have full access to all the replays just in case you had missed it.

Access to hundreds of hours extra video training classes to help you in becoming an expert.

• Full access to take part in discussions with the experts and in addition you also have access to the 500 000 exclusive discussions within the forum.

Instant access to the 12 classrooms that cover a wide variety of topics like PPC, SEO, video marketing, content marketing and affiliate marketing to mention just a few. Each classroom consists of well over 100 training modules along with full discussion board.

Unlimited websites with unlimited hosting

• Host unlimited domains of your own

Unlimited keyword research

Access to phase 2 and all the future courses in the boot camp training.

Halal Income Journey

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The Best Training in the World

The training courses offered inside are second to none. Most other ‘Make Money Online’ programs are either a basic eBook or series of videos or CD’s. They are also usually available only one at a time on a pay per buy basis

There are over 500 training modules within the community that take you from building your very first website to learning how to make it visible to the public and how to set up a basic income source from it. More importantly it is continuously updated to reflect changes in the industry so you can make sure your website stays ranked in search engines, generating traffic and revenue.

I have tested many programs, and no other company in the world offers the quality and style of training offered here.

The Fastest Support Anywhere Online

You will make some mistakes along the way, we all do. There will be times when you are confused, we all are. That’s absolutely fine.

But who’s going to help you figure out what went wrong and show you how to put it right?

Live support from the owners, myself and from other members inside the community is going to be the best way to get help when you need it.

As I mentioned right at the beginning at this stage this won’t cost you anything. If you have any doubts just come and take a look around. Have a play with the site and see what others are saying.

If you think it looks okay then read through the first set of courses – they’re free too! In fact don’t just read have a go yourself. Then once you comfortable just upgrade to premium.

And remember…even once you have upgraded you are under no obligation to stay there. You can cancel anytime with no charge and no hidden scares.

The first page you will see is the sign up screen:

Halal Income Journey

Once you have filled this out you will be able to set yourself a user name.

Just like any new site you may well feel a little lost when you see the site for the first time. There are various icons and buttons about all providing varying stats and information. Don’t be put off by this just go have a play – trust me you won’t break anything.

I am sure the first time you discovered email or the internet it was just as scary right?

However to keep it simple as a beginner these are the bits you initially need to focus on. Remember Phase #1 is free as are the courses included in it so this is the ideal place to start.

Halal Income Journey

If you have read this and are still undecided that’s okay, just come and have a Free Look Around for now. However if you are at a point in life where you feel you are ready to take a step towards financial freedom don’t miss this opportunity. You will be doing yourself a great injustice by missing out.

As I have said this is totally free to join and you may stay as long as you want. Learn at your own speed and ask as many questions as you like. Everyone here started off at the same point as you and are all willing to help.

Also a final reminder like any business this is about how much you are prepared to put into it. Hard work in equals positive results out. Don’t be afraid of the unknown just take your time and ask as many questions as you need to.

Rest assured I am also with you on this journey and will endeavor to do everything in my power to help fulfill your dreams and aspirations.

Okay it’s now over to you guys. Just Click Here to start the journey.

Jazak Allahu Khayran

Daniyal Siddiqui

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